Do I Need A Regulator For My Propane Grill?

Do I Need A Regulator For My Propane Grill?

Propane grills offer a wonderful cooking experience that’s not easily replicated by indoor appliances. But working with these convenient cookers can be complicated; specially for beginers. Working with propane requires a diligent commitment to safety. Many of the more common questions about propane grills involve regulators, their necessity, and how they work. Here’s a quick…

9 Best Grill Covers To Protect Your BBQ Investment

9 Best Grill Covers To Protect Your BBQ Investment

A BBQ grill is a solid investment for all those who enjoy outdoor cooking and grilled food and they can get quite expensive if you are looking for a reliable, long-term grill. Like any other investment, you’ll want to keep your grill as protected as possible, especially if it is the type that has to…

Can You Use Pellets In A Regular Smoker?

Can You Use Pellets In A Regular Smoker?

Pellets are made from renewable substances generally from wood waste. It is considered to be the most versatile fuel source for outdoor cooking ( barbecuing ) for various reasons. Most of them do not contain chemicals resulting to an efficient and clean-burning fuel source. These are made from finely grounded hardwood that are turned into…