A Beginners Guide to to Burger Temperatures

A Beginners Guide to Burger Temperatures

There’s nothing quite like a great burger. Juicy, flavorful, and just the right amount of messy, they’re a summertime staple. But to get that perfect burger, you need to start with the right ingredients – and that includes the temperature of your meat. Here’s a guide to cooking your burgers to perfection.

But first things first: Gear up! Before you can start cooking delicious burgers, there are a few things you’ll need to get. First, of course, is the beef.

You’ll want to choose ground beef with a high-fat content for the juiciest, most flavorful burgers. Then you’ll need some buns and toppings.

Once you have your ingredients assembled, it’s time to start cooking. However, before you start putting burgers on the grill, there’s one more thing you’ll need: a thermometer.

Doneness is tricky to judge by sight, so a thermometer is essential to ensure burgers are cooked to perfection. With a thermometer in hand, you’ll be able to cook delicious, juicy burgers every time.

USDA Temperature Guidelines

According to the USDA, burgers should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160°F. This will result in a burger that is medium-rare in the center, with a pinkish-red hue.

Thus ensuring all lingering bacteria are killed and the meat is safe to eat. For those who prefer their burgers closer to well-done, you should prefer cooking to an internal temperature of 170°F.

This will result in a burger that is medium in the center, with a small amount of pink remaining. Finally, for those who prefer their burgers well-done, cook to an internal temperature of 180°F.

This will result in a burger that is cooked through, with no pink remaining.

For Poultry meat such as ground turkey or chicken, the recommended safe temperature by USDA is a little higher at 165°F. Eating meat below that temperature is considered unsafe.

No matter what your preference is, it is important to make sure that your burger is cooked to the USDA’s recommended temperature to ensure food safety.

Burger Doneness
Internal Temp
Expected Time
130˚ to 135˚
7 minutes
140˚ to 145˚
8 minutes
145˚ to 160˚
9 minutes
Well Done
160˚ to 170˚
10 minutes

How Long To Cook Your Burgers On Each Side?

When grilling burgers, it is important to make sure they are cooked evenly. Generally speaking, burgers should be cooked on each side for three to four minutes.

This will result in a burger that is medium-rare in the center and slightly charred on the outside.

For those who prefer their burgers more done, you can cook for an additional two to three minutes on each side. Just be careful not to overcook, as this can cause the burger to become dry and tough.

It is also important to rotate your burgers multiple times while cooking to ensure even doneness throughout. When adding cheese to the patties, top them at last minute to prevent overcooking!

Direct vs Two Stage Grilling

When grilling burgers, it is important to understand the difference between direct ( burger is cooked over direct heat ) and two-stage grilling ( burger is cooked away from heat with lid closed ).

Direct grilling involves cooking the burgers directly over a hot flame for the entire duration of cooking.

This method allows the burger to cook quickly and develop a nice char on the outside while remaining juicy in the center. For a more well-done burger always use two-stage grilling or cook in the oven.

Using two-stage grilling takes twice the time of direct-cook burgers, which means there is a higher chance of a properly cooked burger.

Also, two-stage grilling allows you to create a better sear on the outside of the burgers and a more flavorful crust. Further, its less likely to end up with overcooked burger with 2 stage grilling.

When using two-stage grilling, the burgers are first cooked on high heat to caramelize the outside of the patty. After that, they are moved to a lower heat and cooked until done.


Cooking burgers to the right temperature is essential to get a delicious and safe product.

Whether you choose to cook your burgers on direct heat or two-stage grilling, it’s important to know what temperatures are best for different burgers so that you can enjoy them at their best.

By understanding these temperatures, you can ensure that your burgers are always cooked just right!

With the right knowledge and equipment, anyone can cook delicious and safe burgers to enjoy with friends or family. With practice, you’ll soon be able to make burgers just like a professional chef.

Now get out there and start grilling! Enjoy!

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