Taking Charge of Blackstone Griddle Rusting

Taking Charge of Blackstone Griddle Rusting

Are you a proud Blackstone griddle owner? If your response is yes, there are many other individuals out there just like you. Blackstone griddles, in a nutshell, are sturdy and substantial plates that are made out of iron.

They enable users to tackle all sorts of food cooking duties. If you want your griddle from Blackstone to remain in optimal working order, then you should pay close attention to its appearance.

That’s exactly why you should always be on the lookout for indications of potential rusting.

While they are built to resist wear if not regularly cleaned under humid condition they easily get rusted. That might not be much of an issue for those who live away from sea ( hot and humid ).

Because it will determine if it will start to rust after 6-12 months of being kept idle or will takes years for showing first sign of corrosion.

Why is My Blackstone Griddle Rusting

It’s critical to grasp the definition of rust prior to thinking about anything else. Rust, in brief, is something that basically goes hand in hand with iron.

If you get the combination of iron, oxygen and water, then rusting is probably on the menu. Rust can actually boost iron’s stability in a natural setting, believe it or not.

Although rust is something that’s natural to iron, that in no way, shape or form means that you should be okay with the presence of it on top of your griddle.

Preparing tasty and healthy meals on top of a surface that’s browning and chipping is definitely not something you ever want to do, period.

Griddles from Blackstone, as indicated previously, are produced using iron. Oxygen is in the air. Once you introduce some water to the mix, rust development is practically inevitable.

Note, too, that many people reside in rather muggy locations or in places that are close to beaches or bodies of water in general. Air in those kinds of locales typically includes significant amounts of water particles that can bring on the emergence of undesirable rust.

Here are some main causes for Blackstone griddle rusting:

  • The first cause of rust is moisture. In case you live around sea where humidity is high; dew, moisture and rain will cause your griddle to rust.
  • This mostly happens because a lot of us store our griddle outdoors without any protective coating or cover which can help minimize the effects of humidity and rain.
  • Another reason why your griddle rust because of improper care or cleaning.
  • Since your Blackstone griddles are made of iron and oxygen is already present in air all it needs is water to begin oxidation process of iron i.e rusting.
  • Sometimes high acidic food can also add up to ongoing rusting process.

Keeping Griddle Rusting at Bay

The world is chock-full of iron. If you step outside for a minute, you’ll see structures, vehicles and ships galore. These things are often constructed using good, old-fashioned iron, interestingly enough.

If you don’t notice any rust development on these things, that’s because they have some defense in place. For example, paintwork can stop bicycles from developing rust.

So, what can stop your griddle from developing this unsightly and irritating substance? The answer to that highly pressing question is oil.

An oil covering can stop oxygen and water from interfering with your griddle’s trusty flat top.

That is why the griddle in use and regularly clean never go rusted. The oil protects it from getting in contact with oxygen and even if it starts regular cleaning makes it hard to stick.

How Can I Fix the Development of Griddle Rusting?

Although prevention is ideal, the reality is that turning griddle rusting development around is no major headache in the slightest. Rust is something that exclusively develops on the top parts of iron.

Thankfully, the substance does not influence the metal in general. If you take the time to do away with your flat top’s upper layer, you should be golden.

If you want to fix a griddle rust dilemma that’s on your hands, you have to see to it first that you round up any and all essential supplies.

These essential supplies include a metal scraping device, gloves that are heat-resistant, grill stones, paper towels and, last but definitely not least, cooking oil.

Once you have all of these things in your possession, you can move forward with confidence. Wear the previously mentioned heat-resistant gloves.

Switch on your Blackstone griddle right after that. Maintain a high heat setting for roughly 20 minutes or so. This heat can make the rust a lot looser and therefore simpler and speedier to extract.

Give the griddle the opportunity to cool off for a bit. Grab the aforementioned metal scraping tool. Scrape the flat top without missing a single spot. Your aim should be to not notice further corrosion when all is said and done.

Drop between three and four oil tablespoons onto the entire surface of the griddle. After that, use your grill stone for scrubbing purposes. You don’t have to panic if you’re unable to locate a grill stone, either.

You can always use a steel wool sandpaper substitute. Although scrubbing can feel like a chore, it’s honestly more than worth it. It doesn’t take long to restore a flawless and glimmering griddle.

Wipe down your Blackstone until it’s immaculate. You can do this with the assistance of paper towels or a basic cloth. Drop between three and four more oil tablespoons.

Wipe your Blackstone once more still. Drop oil yet again and proceed with your wiping duties. Your objective here is to stop after you no longer can spot any indications of pesky rust whatsoever.

Use a cooking oil as a means of establishing a protective coating. This coating can safeguard your device from upcoming rust emergence. You can use all kinds of cooking oils for this purpose.

Note, however, that extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil are usually particularly effective. These oils tend to stick to metal more reliably.

After that, drop three to four more cooking oil tablespoons onto the top. This can boost your protection further for the highest degree of peace of mind.

It can obstruct water and air and stop these things from getting close to the plate of your griddle at a later time. Don’t forget that lack of interaction between water, air and iron can keep rust out of sight and out of mind for you.

Safeguard your Blackstone in a location that’s both dry and cool. The use of a cover can work like a charm as well. That’s because covers can stop air moisture from negatively affecting iron.

If you want to safeguard yourself from the hassles of comprehensive rust cleanup work, you should introduce a spare cooking oil layer whenever you’re through with your cooking responsibilities.

Simply use between three and four cooking oil tablespoons. You can wipe the griddle down pretty rapidly using a paper towel. Voila! You just did your part to stop rust from rearing its ugly head again.

If you’re the resident of a humid location, you should store your Blackstone in a spot that gets a lot of ventilation. Make sure that it’s nowhere close to your home’s bathrooms.

How To Clean Blackstone Griddle Rust

Many homeowners, especially in the United States, recognize the Blackstone griddle as the best kitchen equipment.

This is undoubtedly true considering that you can cook different dishes at the same time with this cooking appliance. Therefore, you can prepare a variety of foods more efficiently.

Blackstone griddles are designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, thus, serving you for long years. However, this kitchen appliance may accumulate rust quickly, especially if you don’t clean it regularly.

If you have a rusty Blackstone griddle, you have probably tried different cleaning agents to bring back its brand-new color. However, no matter what type of chemical you use to take off the griddle rust, it will be useless, especially if you use the wrong cleaning technique.

But don’t worry since we are here to help you. This guide will show you the right way to get rid of rust on your griddle. Read on to know further.

What You Will Need

Here are the things you will need to clean your Blackstone griddle:

– Clothing rags or paper towels

– Heat-resistant gloves

– Steel wool, sandpaper, or grill stones

– Cooking oil, such as olive, palm, and sesame oil

– Metal scraper

Steps To Cleaning A Blackstone Griddle

Prepare the Griddle

Before handling the griddle, ensure to put on the gloves to protect your hands against heat. Prepare your griddle by turning it on at high heat for 20 minutes.

Doing so will loosen the rust, enabling you to scrape it off easily. Although you can let the griddle cool for a few minutes, it is ideal for cleaning it off after turning off the heat.

Remove The Rust

You need to use a metal scraper to remove the rust from your griddle. It is best to start scraping from the flat top surface of the cooking appliance, as it will be much easier for the rust to come off as you work your way down.

Do the scraping several times until the griddle’s surface looks nice and clean.

Use A Grill Stone To Clean The Griddle

Aside from a metal scraper, a grill stone is also an excellent material to scrub your griddle. It is essential to rub the rough side of the stone to the griddle’s surface.

You also need a few drops of cooking oil throughout the griddle surface for easy scrubbing. If grill stone is unavailable, you can use medium-grit sandpaper or steel wool as an alternative.

To finish the cleaning process, wipe off the griddle with paper towels or a clothing rag.

Add a few drops of oil through the griddle to remove any rust residue. Do this step until you are satisfied with the result.

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